Saturday, May 11, 2013
Commentary on "Driving While Intexticated"
The blog, "Driving While Intextiacted," makes a whole lot of sense. While reading my classmate's blog, Driving While Intexticated, I was nodding my head in agreement and frustration that this law hasn't become in effect statewide. How can such a hard headed governor not see the urgency with this law? He surely doesn't disagree with the strict DUI laws in the state of Texas. Why is that? Well everyone, including Mr. Perry, knows that it is a risk to everyone on the road to be near a drunk driver. Well, what about texting on your cell phone while driving on the highway!? One has to take his or he eyes of the road and at least one hand off the steering well to have their conversations. Isn't this just as dangerous to everyone else? If we can't count on our own governor to enforce such common sense restrictions and laws then how can we expect the rest of society to take it seriously? When an unfortunate accident takes place? Perhaps it will take a text messaging related wreck to hit home with Rick Perry to take this seriously. I just don't get it, nor do I get him in the first place! There are several silly laws and restrictions throughout the state, but something as serious as this is not taken seriously. People may argue that regardless of a law that people will still continue to text while driving, yes this is true, but drunk driving is against the law, and yet, people still drive drunk. These people go to jail when they are caught. We can't control society, but we can enforce laws to at least protect the innocent bystanders.
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